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Difficulty in Swallowing

Dysphagia is the medical term for difficulty swallowing, which can lead to choking on food, coughing when drinking, or food getting stuck in your throat. If you or a loved one struggles with weak swallow muscles, trouble swallowing food properly, or aspiration risk, swallowing therapy may help.


At Sunny Side Up Therapy & Consulting, we provide specialized swallowing therapy designed to:

✔ Strengthen your swallow muscles for safer eating and drinking
✔ Reduce aspiration risk and protect your airway
✔ Improve chewing efficiency for better digestion
✔ Restore swallowing function after a stroke, injury, or medical condition

Swallowing Therapy

Why Am I Having Trouble Swallowing?

Swallowing problems can occur for many reasons, including:


Neurological Conditions

  • Stroke

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

  • Parkinson’s disease


Medical & Structural Causes

  • Head and neck cancer

  • Temporomandibular disorder (TMJ trouble)

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

  • Sleep apnea


Muscle Weakness & Coordination Issues

  • Weak swallow muscles

  • Difficulty coordinating chewing and swallowing

  • Food getting stuck in the throat


If you’re experiencing coughing when eating or drinking, difficulty swallowing food, or choking on food, it’s important to seek professional swallowing therapy to prevent serious complications.

How We Diagnose & Treat Swallowing Problems

At Sunny Side Up Therapy & Consulting, we focus on comprehensive assessment and treatment to identify the root cause of your swallowing difficulty and create a customized treatment plan.


Step 1: Swallowing Assessment


If you haven’t had an instrumental swallow evaluation, I may recommend one to better understand your swallow function. You may have heard these tests called:
✔ Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBS)
✔ Video Swallow Study
✔ FEES (Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing)


These tests help us see how your body controls and processes swallowing, allowing us to tailor the most effective therapy plan for you.


Step 2: Customized Swallowing Therapy Plan


Based on your assessment, we will develop a personalized therapy plan that includes:
✔ Targeted swallowing exercises to strengthen muscles and improve coordination
✔ Compensatory strategies to reduce aspiration risk and make eating safer
✔ Biofeedback and visual guidance for real-time progress tracking
✔ Lifestyle and diet modifications for easier swallowing and better nutrition

Next Steps: What to Expect

Step 1: Book a Consultation

  • We will review your medical history, swallowing difficulties, and treatment goals.


Step 2: Book a FEES

  • An instrumental exam is key to designing your swallowing therapy plan.

  • Already had a swallow study? No worries! We can work with you and your doctor to get the results. 


Step 3: Start Swallowing Therapy

Begin your personalized treatment plan to restore your swallowing function and improve your quality of life.

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