A better way to treat
Improve Swallow Function with Ampcare’s ESP™ at Sunny Side Up Therapy & Consulting
At Sunny Side Up Therapy & Consulting, we understand how frustrating and dangerous trouble swallowing can be. If you or a loved one experiences difficulty swallowing food, coughing when eating or drinking, or feels like food gets stuck in the throat, you may have dysphagia.
That’s why we are proud to offer Ampcare’s ESP™ (Effective Swallowing Protocol)—a non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment designed to improve swallowing function by combining neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) with targeted swallowing exercises

of stroke survivors reported improved quality of life following treatment with ESP
(Pownall et al, 2015)
patients with persistent dysphagia reported benifit from ESP
(Enderby et al, 2011)
of people who recieved ESP achieved a diet upgrade vs 11% of those recieving traditional therapy only.
(Polansky et al 2008)
So, what is Ampcare?

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Let's see Ampcare in Action!
See that muscle movement; that's how you know it's working at the muscular level and not just the "feeling" level. And Lauren even felt good enough to laugh and cross her eyes for the camera. That's because the electrode and the parameters are designed to keep you comfortable while you work.
Oooo let's take a look at the muscles involved in her swallowing. The e-stim is delivered to the muscles underneath the chin, which makes those muscles contract. Then she swallows while those muscles are nice and tight. In other words, she has to swallow against resistance.
This is how we incorporate multiple principles of exercise science into a 30-minute exercise session.
Quality Matters
ESP is all about focusing on quality in order to achieve quantity. Backed by extensive research, this protocol uses the principles of exercise science to drive treatment. A certified clinician - like me - uses a neuromusclar electrical stimulator (NMES) under the chin of on the cheeks to help with chewing and swallowing difficulities. This little machine provides controled stimulation for a short working time then the clinet gets a quick rest break. The stimulation is used to target motor neurons in order to build the fast-twitch muscle fibers and creates strong muscle contractions. We also add in specific exercises to challenge the muscles and further improve swallow function.