Evidence based practice is where we should always start

So let's break down some barriers and make sure everyone can benefit!

As a self proclaimed life long learner, I think an important component of learning and growing is understanding current research. However, dissemation of research (fancy words for making reasearch understandable and accessable) isn't always readily available. To be completly honest, some vaild and important research never sees the light of day for many reasons we won't go into here.

I hope to be a reseource for my clients and other professionals inorder to decrease at least a few of these barriers.

Below, I am sharing just a few studies that I find interesting. Stay tuned to my podcast (Coming soon!) to learn about new research and topics related to  Speech Languge Pathology, compassion fatigue, patient/clinet advocacy, cognitinve coaching,  and  innovations in healthcare. 
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Light Therapy

This is a great article about the benefits of Light Therapy for people living with Dementia.

Alternative Treatments

This is a mini-review of the current research investigating the possible benefits of the medicinal use of psychedelics and microdosing to enhance cognitive functioning in people living with dementia.

Caregiver Preparedness

This study examined the impact of caregiver prepardenss during previous caregiving roles in relation to  confindece in caregiving  and insights in caregiving.

Benifits of EMST

This is an extensive list of studies related to the clinical benefits of expiratory muscle strength training (EMST). This list includes articles discussing the positive impacts of EMST on dysphasia, motor speech function in individuals living with Parkinson’s and COPD, as well as potential benefits for those dealing with sleep apnea. Additional research is also provided on the clinical benefits of EMST/IMST use with athletes, musicians, and vocal performers.

Benifits of AMPcare

This study discussed the impact of combining neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) with exercise against resistance to decrease the negative impacts of dysphagia. The results indicated a significant improvement in the types and amount of food the patients were able to safely tolerate and secondary improvements in safety with the intake of liquids, and improvements in the patients’ quality of life.

Gold Standards Swallowing Diagnostics

This study identifies both MBSS and FEES as gold standards to assess swallow function and the presence of aspiration -penetration. 

Impacts of Tomatis Method

As a featured article on AdvancedBrain.com, this article conveys the experiences of the author, Valerie Carpenter. Valerie is a professional singer who became a Tomatis Listening Program Provider after sustaining a Traumatic Brain Injury. This article discusses the author's struggles after being hit over the head and after sustaining a second brain injury, as well as the significant benefits she experienced from the Listening Program.

Alternative Treatment

This is a mini-review of current research related to the therapeutic use of psychedelic substances with people who have experienced brain injuries and Strokes.

"Transformative influence of neuroplasticity on stroke rehabilitation"

This literature review discusses the "transformative" benefits of neuroplasticity during stroke recovery and the current barriers to effective integration. Several of the factors discussed included differences in patients’ response to interventions, when skilled interventions are provided, how long patients are able to receive therapy, sociocultural barriers, and a variety of clinical factors. The article further emphasized the need to personalize interventions in order to optimize neuroplasticity.
From an editorial perspective on this topic, current service delivery models in a large majority of healthcare facilities (including but not limited to skilled nursing facilities, home health care, outpatient therapy, and long-term care) limit therapists' ability to tailor treatments to the patient’s specific needs. Reimbursement barriers and limited coverage create additional obstacles to providing early interventions and a sufficient amount of therapy. Sadly, many patients who have mild yet impacting cognitive impairments will not receive therapy because they don’t know the benefits or because they “fell through the cracks.” I’ve seen way too many patients be discharged home without cognitive support because they could walk 250 feet. I’ve also seen the cumulative effects on cognition over time and the development of dementia syndrome.

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